Power Spot

We want to make energy visible in a really simple way. So we came up with the Power Spot. Here is what it looks like for a solar household that exports a lot of energy:

Power Spot Yellow

Someone who uses all their solar energy on site and imports the rest might look like this:

Power Spot Black

Black: Net imported energy from the grid.
Yellow: Net exported energy from your solar system.
Green: Solar energy used on site when it is produced.
Grey: Solar energy exported & reimported later. 

The Map

We have created an interactive map that shows the power spots for all the Australian states. 

When you zoom in (on the real map), more detailed spots will appear. Currently, we only have data for the suburbs in South East Queensland (see inlay bottom right), Sydney and Hobart. 

Another level of detail is all the postcodes (this one exists only for South East Queensland) and lastly the street level details (Noosa as an example in top right inlay) for individual properties.

To create your own Power Spot, just select the size of your solar system (use the kW size of your inverter). Look at your last electricity bill to find the total import (what you pay electricity rates for) and the total export (the amount you are being paid the Feed-in Tariff for). Use the kWh for these two figures.

After you have created your own Power Spot, you have the option to download it, add it to our map or share it on facebook.

We would love you to brag about your Power Spot on facebook and other social media. So please share widely to inspire others to get into solar and start a conversation about it.

As a business, print it and display it to your clients. Show them what you are doing. And tell them about the savings it generates.

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